Our Easterweekend is over. Tomorrow the normal things need to be picked up....:(.
We had a lovely and quiet weekend. (Hubbie Hans needed to work in the hospital at night, so we must be quiet during the day :).)Saturday evening Twan and Fleur painted eggs and a bunny family.
I just finished two LO's. And I made pictures by very bad light.....but you know I'm working on my knowledge about our camera. Look at the tulips!!!!
And guess what...I was very surprised by receiving an award. Here it is:

Birgit gave me this award and I'm very happy with it. I need to forward it to 4 different bloggers who make my day. That's easy.......cause there are many bloggers who make my day...but they all received the award already.
So I'm giving it to you when you read this. Enjoy the award and have a nice week.
That mosaic looks really nice, I still want to give that a try sometime, but how and where?? I think I'll check out Birgit's blog, I recall her saying something about it. Hope to see you soon again, but am still suffering with my knee
Twee prachtige layouts van je kinderen, tulpen daar word ik altijd helemaal blij van. Voor mij een teken dat het voorjaar eraan komt. Alleen zou je dat nu niet zeggen als je naar buiten kijkt. En je kinderen hebben ook lekker geknutseld.
Love the mosaic and congrats on the award! :)
glad you had a nice easter weekend...and even got some scrapping done..yey :)
Gelukkig kan ik weer op het internet. Dus ik ben alweer heerlijk aan het surfen geweest op al die leuke blogs. Nu die van mezelf nog ff updaten. Ik zal ook mijn LO's eens plaatsen. Die van jou zien er weer super uit! Je bent echt heel creatief! Zo te zien heb je leuke paasdagen gehad
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