Tuesday, November 4, 2008
When I opened my mailbox this evening I found out that Birgit tagged me. Thanx :).
This is what I need to do:
Link to your tagger and list these rules on your blog. Share 7 facts about yourself, some random some weird. Tag 7 people at the end of your post and link their blogs. Let them know they're tagged by leaving a message on their blogs.
So here we go with my random or weird things:
1. When I hang my wash I like to use only the same coloured clothes pegs.
2. I like my work at the audit firm. And I like to make office jokes with my colleagues.
3. When I go out eating with a friend (once a year) we don't need the menu. We always choose the same meal and the same dessert every year.
4. I never left my birthplace, I like the village and the people who live here.
5. I like to watch House and Gooise Vrouwen.
6. I am a daughter of a farmer but I never lived on a farm.
7. According to my husband I have a cleaning obsession. I don't like to leave my house in a mess.
I tag these talented girls: Haggith, Marianne, Margriet, Moon, Anniek, Jeanet and Marga.
Have fun.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Another minibook
I started working on another minibook. The book isn't filled with pictures yet, but will be soon :). The inspiration for this book have I found here and here.
When I visited Marja's shop I bought some Prima products. The clear books and the clear tape are nice to work with.
Hope to show this minibook with pictures soon.
Have a nice week.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Workshop The Creative Buzz
Yesterday I was at a workshop at Birgit's. Anita and Birgit worked out two wonderful workshops to make TWO minibooks. The kits were awesome and had wonderful papers and even so yummie stuff to decorate the books.........
I had a lovely time and I think everyone who visited this workshop will agree with me!! We talked about food and recipes, we had a wonderful lunch and we worked hard :). We learned some new technics and used them in our books. I'll try to finish my minibooks as soon as possible and show them to you.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
One finished LO and .......
On Saturday I'm going to spend the day at a workshop from The Creative Buzz. If you want to see a sneak , have a look.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Are you coming????
The Creative Buzz????
The workshop is about vacation memories and schooldays. The workshop is in Winsum (Groningen) and it is planned on the 20th of September.
It would be nice meeting you there.
Have a wonderful week.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Friday, August 1, 2008
New and New
After this visit I had some inspiration for this LO:
Thnx for your visit.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
So, I'm of to the swimming pool with this new CMF!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Hi there,
I haven't got anything to show but I only wanted to share two nice pictures of my daughter and son. You can find them on Anita's photoblog. You have to scroll back to the 2th and 6th of July.
We just returned from Sweden. It was our first visit to Scandinavia. We enjoyed it very much. Several weeks before our vacation we bought an old caravan. We stayed on 6 different campsites and ofcourse we took many pictures. You will see them in a while on LO's.
Have fun.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
New video workshop
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Sweet Girl
Fleur also loves this pic, because she wears her favorit hair ribbon. (She wants to wear it almost every day but isn't allowed from her mom :) ).
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Photoshoot and more.
This morning I visited Birgit for a crop. I didn't finish my LO but we talked a lot, had much coffee and.......
The afternoon we spend time with Anita Mundt in a garden near our village. In Eenrum you can find De Kleine Plantage, it is a gardenshop with lots of different plants and nice gardenfurniture. Behind the shop there is a nice garden were we took family pictures. You can find two of them here.
It was really nice doing this. We enjoyed it all very much.
After the photoshoot I drove to Eelde to visit a museum of musicinstruments. I visited it with my colleagues from the office. The owners are very enthousiastic people and they can tell nice stories. It is also a nice place for kids (schoolexcursion). The kids can make their own instrument. That's fun I think.
Thanks for looking.
Monday, May 12, 2008
We camped with our tent. This weekend we organised a familyweekend with all the relatives from hubbie Hans. With 34 people in age from 0 till 70 we had a wonderful time. Thank you all so much!!!!!
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Journaling challenge part 3.
Twan is in school working about the post-office. When you ask him at this moment what he wants to be when he grows u he will answer: a post-office servant. But when the boyfriend of my sister worked at our house to make a door (or two) he wants to become a "workman".
The journaling on an LO for Fleur would be something like this:
"Als ik later groot ben wil ik graag kapster, fysiotherapeut of juf worden."
(When I grow up I want to be a hairdresser, physiotherapist or a teacher.)
And for Twan it would be like this:
"Als ik later groot ben wil ik graag werkman worden, net als papa of postbode."
(When I grow up I want to a workman, just like dad or a post-office servant.)
It's nice to write these things down, these precious words need to be remembered.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Journaling challenge part 1 and 2.
The thing I love and like about scrapbooking is to capture a moment, an event, a funny pronouncing (from my kids) and all the other things which are worth to be looked after.
A little while ago when I was at a crop at Birgit she advised me to make an "inspiration" folder on my computer. And I did and it's already filled with lots of beautiful LO's and with poems etc. etc. I think you recognize the feeling when you come home from work or from a meeting that you have to clean your head. I "clean my head" by talking or to write it down. But when I visit all the nice and talented scrapblogs I clean my head by putting a selection of all the nice things in my inspiration folder. And I hope to use (parts of) them for my own LO's in the future.
One of my favourites quotes is "LIVE LOVE LAUGH". I'm trying to find the right pictures for it. But I'm definitely going to use that one! And another is "Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things." I really don't know which person said these words but I think it is true.
I can't remember I did something huge what changes my way of being me. But what I do know is that what happenes to you makes you YOU.
That was part 2 of the challenge. And that brings me at part 1 of the challenge.
When I first read about the challenge I had to think right away about Twan and what he said to me on last Friday.
Fleur wanted to sleep at her niece Iris. So Twan decided that our other niece (Niek) could come over to sleep at our place. I said: 'OK! I'm going to make Niek a nice bed.' Twan completed me and said: 'Mom, you can use the "tramas".' What he meant was that I could use the "matras" (mattress). He turns more things upside down or inside out or backwards. He puts his shirt most of the time backwards on. Or he writes his name backwards (that is allowed when you are in "groep 1" :)).
That was my entry for part 1 of the challenge. I'm wundering from who he inherit this funny speciality ;).
Thursday, April 10, 2008
I totally forgot....
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Friday, April 4, 2008

But when I was loading the pics into the computer I found out that hubbie Hans already made pictures with 5!!!!
So I choosed a picture he made.
Thanks dear.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Monday, March 31, 2008
One wall in our bedroom used to be covered with red wallpaper. When Hans had a day off from work he decided to remove the red wallpaper and buy a new one. That sounds easy but it wasn't. In the local store there are many kinds of wallpaper for sale. But we did manage. As you can see we decided it had to be something different.
I'm lucky to have such a handy husband. And we are very pleased with our new wall in our bedroom.
Monday, March 24, 2008

Birgit gave me this award and I'm very happy with it. I need to forward it to 4 different bloggers who make my day. That's easy.......cause there are many bloggers who make my day...but they all received the award already.
So I'm giving it to you when you read this. Enjoy the award and have a nice week.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Check this out!

These sites are worth your visit.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Easter, Valcum and a finished LO
We are not allowed to touch this and when we do he puts it back in the same position as before!!
Last weekend my parents surprised us with this little bowl of clay. It is made by a local potter. The special thing about it is that the farm "Valcum" was in our family for many years. The local potter was able to get some clay out of the soil. Where there used to be cows on the land there is now a large dredgings depository.
Last week I finished this LO of Twan and I am working on another one. I made this one in Aline- style.
Thanks for stopping by. It's almost weekend, have a nice one.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Spot Twan
When you read my elder post, you'd find the name Anita a several times. She is a very talented photographer. She did a nice job on developping her own website (and business). You can check it out here.
And???? Did you spot Twan and also all the other lovely people she captured in the pictures?
Have a great weekend :D!!!
Monday, March 3, 2008
We're home again. Wow, what a wonderful, nice, sunny and lovely vacation we had!!! The ride to Switzerland went very well. On saturday the 23th of february we arrived at Thyon 2000. And we stayed there for a week. My parents in law and my SIL and BIL and their children did go with us. Fleur and Twan had a great time with their three nieces. From monday till friday they had skilessons. Fleur made it to the black slope and Twan and Tessa made it to the blue one. They loved skiing and had a lot of fun. We arrived safely back home last weekend. You can find some impressions of our holiday below.

Saturday, February 16, 2008
Have you seen the new (dutch) CMF (nr. 29)???? Ofcourse you did, I think :). Birgit made a lot of wonderful LO's for that issue. I pimped one of them. I really love Birgit her style of scrapbooking. For this LO did I use a photo of Fleur made by Anita. If you didn't see the CMF, go check it out girls!!! It's a really nice magazine.
Have a wonderful week.
I don't know when I'm back in bloggingland again, cause we are leaving for a week to Switserland for a ski-holiday. Not only to ski ofcourse...... I do need to take some pictures for my "Winter Wonderland" book :).
Another old photo.
As promissed another old photo of my family. The journalling is not done. I need to ask my aunt who exactly are in this picture.
I hope you had a wonderful day, we did. Cause the weather was nice Fleur and her cousin Iris went out to a farm for a horseride. Fleur was very excited about it. Twan played with a son of our neighbours. Lego is very hot at the moment. When they are playing, they create their own fantasy world. It's nice to see them having fun.
I''ll leave you with this for the moment. Bye, Bye!!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
All Family
I'm a bit in a hurry, cause I'm going to a crop at Birgit's.
Till next time, thanks for your visit.
Monday, January 28, 2008
I finished this LO this morning. It's about Twan who uses the word "not" not in the right way in a sentence. He says the word when he means not to. For instance he says: I know not which one I'm gonna ask for my birthday. What he means is: I know exactly which one I'm gonna ask for my birthday.
I used ironbeads on the lay-out. Twan wears a necklace of irondbeads since June 2006 and he never got it of. Wonder how long that's gonna take?!!!
My dad is doing fine. He went to see the oculist (oogarts) again this morning. His eye isn't that thick anymore. He has ointment (zalf) and that works!!!!
Thank you for your crossed fingers!!!
Have a nice week.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Busy, busy, busy
I'm now going for a visit to my parents. My father has shingles (gordelroos) on his forehead. Cross your fingers for him....cause when it goes down and ends up in his eye he can become blind. He already has medication and it must get better with it.
Have a nice weekend!
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Sunday, January 13, 2008
What's this????
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
In the mood......
This picture haven't I showed you. It's about Fleur having her ears pierced. And this is how she looked ......